We have put together the following curated list of checklists and flowcharts that many other advisors first started using when they became members. And if you missed it, click here for ideas on how to implement checklists and flowcharts.
Popular Checklists and Flowcharts:
Can I Make A Deductible IRA Contribution?: There are many different considerations that affect one’s ability to contribute to a Traditional IRA. To make matters worse, the contribution limits usually change from one year to the next. This was the very first flowchart created because Michael Lecours could not keep these rules straight when he talked with clients.
Issues To Consider During A Client Annual Review Meeting?: This checklist covers 40 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider during a client’s annual review meeting.
Should I Rollover My Dormant 401(k)?: 401(k)s and IRAs have many unique features that may be meaningful to your client depending on their situation. The decision to roll over a dormant 401(k) involves more than just fees and investments. This flowchart helps to address that conversation.
What Issues Should I Consider Before I Retire?: This checklist covers 32 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider for a client who is about to retire.