You can now help set the direction of fpPathfinder with the release of our latest feature.
We have created a new section on our site where you can post ideas for future flowcharts and checklists. In addition, you can upvote the suggestions that others have made. We will then create flowcharts (and eventually checklists) based on the suggestions that receive the most upvotes.
Do you have a topic that you want to see us cover? Head over to our new Suggest a Flowchart section and let us know. Perhaps it’s already been suggested, in which case you can upvote it. And once it becomes clear to us that there is a popular topic and in high demand, we’ll mark it as “Planned” and get to work!
To get the ball rolling, we’ve added some of the most commonly requested topics to date from members.
What do you think of this new feature? Is there anything that should be included? Send me an email directly with any ideas or feedback.