Ways To Save More

Guide Recommendation: What Account Should I Consider If I Want To Save More? checklist

Email Subject Line: 15 ways to save more in [insert year]

Email Body

Dear [Client],

We like to help clients identify proactive ways to start the year off right and save more.

Perhaps you…

  • Received a bonus or a raise and need guidance on how to save or invest the additional cash;
  • Have a tax refund coming to you; or
  • Want to consider ways to save more this year.

Whatever the case, the beginning of the year is a great time to set your intentions and establish good habits to ensure you save for your financial goals.

Identifying available savings opportunities and prioritizing across accounts can be complex and overwhelming. For example, do you know whether you are eligible for and taking full advantage of pre-tax health care savings accounts, such as HSAs and FSAs? Are you optimizing your retirement savings, choosing between traditional and Roth options, obtaining the total amount of any employer match, and maximizing your contributions?

To help you spot ways to save more this year, we have a checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] that outlines more than 15 strategies to consider when you have surplus cash or savings on hand.

While the checklist can help you identify different opportunities, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and determine what options best suit your unique circumstances.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


It's Time To Review Your Tax Returns

Guide Suggestions: As Someone Who Is Working, What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Tax Return? checklist or the As A Retiree, What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Tax Return? checklist

Email Subject Line: It’s time to review your tax returns

Email Body:

Dear [Client],

We want to help you identify planning opportunities (and spot potential issues) with your tax returns.

If we work together now, we can help identify…

  • If there was a change in your finances last year and you are paying excess estimated taxes;
  • Additional ways to reduce your tax liability for this year; and
  • Possible omissions or mistakes made by the tax preparer.

It is opportune to review your tax returns now because there is still time to address issues before next year (and you may have time to amend returns if needed).

Reviewing tax returns can be daunting and difficult given the many state and federal complexities and often changing rules. Tracking your exposure to various taxes (e.g., ordinary income tax, capital gains tax, the alternative minimum tax, the net investment income tax, etc.), and your rights to various credits and deductions requires time and effort.

To assist you in reviewing your filings, we have a checklist for retired taxpayers [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] and one for taxpayers who are still working [link the File URL of your white-labeled version]. Each checklist outlines nearly two dozen considerations to help guide you through your returns and circumstances.

While the checklists can help you spot great ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you and discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Reviewing Investments

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Investments? checklist

Email Subject Line: It’s time to review your investments

Email Body:

Dear [Client],

It’s been a while since we last reviewed your investments. Perhaps you want to…

  • Review the risk you are taking with your investments and want to consider adjusting your asset allocation;
  • Make a contribution to or withdrawal from an investment account; or
  • Discuss the current market outlook, the Fed’s monetary policy, or other economic trends.

Whatever the case, mid-year is a good time to review your portfolio to ensure your strategy aligns with your needs and goals.

Careful investment planning is essential but can be quite complex. Performance is just one consideration when reviewing your portfolio. Factors such as diversification, taxation, and fees can have a dramatic impact during any economic climate.

To assist you in reviewing your investments, we have a checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] that outlines over 25 key considerations to guide your analysis.

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Reviewing & Updating An Estate Plan

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider Before I Update My Estate Plan?

Email Subject Line: [Client], Iet’s review your estate plan

Dear <Client Name>,

We’ve made a lot of progress on your financial plan this year. Another important element of a successful financial plan is your estate plan.


  • You have been putting off your estate plan for years;
  • You want to control how your beneficiaries get access to your assets upon your death;
  • Your family circumstances have changed, and you’d like to alter your estate plan to reflect these changes; or
  • You’d just like a refresher on your current documents.

Whatever the case, it’s important to get your estate plan done and to review it periodically. To make sure we’ve covered the elements of a successful estate plan, we have a checklist that outlines 19 considerations that are fundamental to estate planning preparation and/or review [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].

Take a look at the checklist. Does anything jump out at you? Either you know that you have needed to do this for years…or you did it years ago and have no idea what your documents say?

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

Reviewing Insurance Coverage

Guide Suggestions: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Property & Casualty Insurance Policies? checklist and the What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Health And Life Insurance Policies? checklist

Email Subject Line: It’s time to review your insurance coverage

Email Body:

Dear [Client],

As we continue building your financial plan, we want to help you review your various insurance coverages to ensure you have the coverage you need.

Perhaps you…

  • Have new health care concerns, or you are losing coverage and need to update your health insurance plan;
  • Have made improvements to your home, and you need to increase your homeowner’s insurance coverage; or
  • Wish to review all policies and explore available discounts and bundling options to reduce premium costs.

Whatever the case, an annual insurance review is critical to ensure you are adequately protected well in advance of future needs.

The terms and conditions of insurance contracts can be difficult to read and understand. Deductibles, limits, exclusions, and endorsements can be hidden in the fine print, making it hard to understand the true extent of your protection. To assist in reviewing your insurance coverage, we have two checklists that outline key considerations to guide your analysis (one covers health and life-related issues [link the File URL of your white-labeled version], the other covers property and casualty-related issues [link the File URL of your white-labeled version]).

While the checklists can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Reviewing End Of Year Planning Opportunities

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider Before The End Of The Year? checklist

Email Subject Line: End-of-year opportunities for your finances

Email Body:

Dear [Client],

As the end of the year approaches, we want to help you spot time-sensitive planning opportunities.

Perhaps you…

  • Are considering making year-end gifts to charitable organizations or family members and need to determine your optimal funding strategy;
  • Are looking to reduce your income tax liability this year and are seeking loss harvesting and income-reduction opportunities; or
  • Wish to make a high-level survey of your financial picture, ensuring that you aren’t missing any windows of opportunity that close with the calendar year.

Whatever the case, the end of the year is an important time for us to get together.

Tracking numerous deadlines and avoiding missed planning opportunities can be challenging during these busy months. To help ensure that you remain on track, we have a checklist that outlines 18 time-sensitive considerations to guide your end-of-year review and tee up any adjustments for the coming year [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Start The Year On The Right Foot

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider At The Start Of The Year? checklist

Email Subject Line: Begin [insert year] on the right foot!

Email Body:

Dear [Client]:

The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to discuss the various factors influencing your planning.

For example, we can:

  • Look at your progress toward your goals and consider any new goals you’ve set for yourself.
  • Evaluate your insurance coverages to make sure your risks are minimized.
  • Revisit your assets and debt and evaluate whether your risk tolerance continues to be appropriate.

Take a look at the [Link Checklist File URL: What Issues Should I Consider At The Start Of The Year?] I’ve included for you. In addition to the ideas above, we can organize you for tax season, so you have a smooth experience. There are many reasons why having a good conversation now can set you up for success later.

Sometimes the incremental changes that occur year-to-year may not seem like a big deal. In reality, though, they can add up. The planning that we’ve done together can evolve to protect and strengthen the people and organizations that are important to you.

If the checklist I’ve included has helped you identify topics we should plan for, please get in touch with me to schedule a time for us to discuss them further. I welcome the opportunity to have this conversation with you!


Cash Flow Check Up

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing Cash Flow? checklist

Email Subject Line: Can we improve your cash flow confidence?

Email Body:

Dear [Client]:

The cash flow conversation is universal and critically important to the health and well-being of your financial plan.

Perhaps your:

  • Income streams have changed, which can affect your debt and taxes.
  • Essential and discretionary spending has experienced some creep, which can affect your debt and even goal funding.
  • Savings goals have changed, which can affect your discretionary spending.

Sometimes it’s easy to spot when your cash flow gets a little out of balance. Sometimes you may not realize it until it’s too late. Take a few moments to review the [Link Checklist File URL “What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing Cash Flow? checklist.] It covers several areas that can help shed light on possible planning issues. Are there areas we should revisit?

Let’s check in about the ebbs and flows of your income and line it up against your goals. Contact me to schedule a time to have a conversation that can give you confidence that your entire financial plan is pulling in the same direction.


Master List Of Goals

Guide Suggestion: Master List Of Goals checklist

Email Subject Line: Let’s check-in to confirm your planning is aligned with your goals.

Email Body:

Dear [Client]:

Helping you meet your goals fuels our work here at [insert firm name]. But just like everything else, goals can change. Even changes that seem modest can affect your financial plan.

Sometimes it can be helpful to work with a tool that allows you to frame your priorities as they relate to:

  • Retirement and lifestyle goals.
  • Tax planning and healthcare goals.
  • Self-development and professional goals.
  • Estate planning and wealth transfer goals.

Take a moment and consider the questions included in [Link checklist file URL: The Master List Of Goals]. Whether you answer “YES” to one question or several questions, let’s talk.

Contact me to schedule a time for us to have a conversation. There’s no better time to ensure your financial plan is aligned with what you want to achieve.


Estate Document Review

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Estate Planning Documents? checklist

Email Subject Line: It may be time to review your estate documents.

Dear [Client]:

Just like your annual physical, it’s a good idea to schedule a check-up for your estate documents to ensure everything is as you intend. Granted, it’s probably not the most exciting activity on your to-do list, but you don’t want to let important details derail all the work you’ve done.

The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Together, we can coordinate and comprehensively review the key considerations that can inform and affect:

  • Wills
  • Living Trusts
  • Irrevocable trusts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Living Wills

To make the most of your time, work through the checklist, [Link Checklist File URL: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Estate Planning Documents?] If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, that’s a signal that we should dig a little deeper and identify the updates that may be needed to your documents.

It’s not always clear when you need to update estate documents. Plus, sometimes life happens, and time slips by. It happens to all of us. That’s why I urge you to look at the checklist and then schedule some time for a conversation with me. I welcome the opportunity to support you in this process.


Open Enrollment

Guide Suggestion: Should I Change My Medicare Coverage During Open Enrollment? checklist

Email Subject Line: Are you considering changing your Medicare coverage?

Email Body:

Dear [Client],

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period begins on October 15.

Now is the ideal time to evaluate whether this is the year to change your coverage. Perhaps you’re:

  • Wanting a plan with different services that it covers.
  • Requiring access to specific hospitals, doctors, or prescriptions that aren’t covered under your current plan.
  • Needing more convenience, higher quality, or a plan that will cover you while you’re traveling.

Making this decision is anything but simple. To help you through the process, I’ve attached the flowchart [Link Flowchart file URL: Should I Change My Medicare Coverage During Open Enrollment?] It covers considerations that can influence your decision, such as changes in health care needs, costs of premiums and deductibles, and the effective dates of any changes.

As your advisor, I’m ready to help you navigate the Medicare landscape. If you’d like to schedule some time with me to go through the flowchart together or to ask other questions you may have, I would welcome that opportunity.

Call me today or reply to this email, and we’ll set up some time for this important conversation.


Planning For Strategic Charitable Giving

Guide Suggestion: Should I Use A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) When Giving To Public Charities? flowchart

Email Subject Line: Is a donor advised fund right for you?

Email Body:

Dear [Client]:

A meaningful part of your financial plan is your charitable giving.

Perhaps it’s the ideal time to put a charitable giving strategy in place to help you make the most of your donations. Consider strategic giving when you:

  • Want to make a large charitable gift to offset your tax liability
  • Intend to make numerous and substantial charitable gifts upon your death
  • Typically claim the standard deduction
  • Want to retain control of the timing of the charitable distribution

To help you frame the decision regarding whether a donor advised fund is right for your situation, I’ve attached the [Link flowchart file URL: Should I Use A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) When Giving To Public Charities? flowchart]. You’ll find that donor advised funds can enable you to optimize your tax planning while simultaneously streamlining and fulfilling your philanthropic goals.

If the idea of a donor advised fund is appealing to you, let’s have that conversation. Give me a call or reply to this email, and we will schedule our meeting.

I look forward to helping you ensure your charitable giving goals are met.


Unexpected Expense

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Funding An Unexpected Expense?

Email Subject Line: This Will Help Us Address Your Unexpected Expense

Email Body:

Dear [Client]:

Thank you for [calling/emailing/texting] me about your unexpected expense. I’m here to help, and together we can identify and discuss the most appropriate way to
fund it.

It can be scary to have an expense that you were not prepared to pay for. It is common, and together we can address it in various ways to minimize its impact on you and your financial goals.

[Copy for Essential + Deluxe Members]
I’ve [attached/linked to] the “What Issues Should I Consider When Funding An Unexpected Expense?” checklist. Take some time to read through the concepts we should discuss. Any question you answer YES or leave blank will help us focus our time together.

[Copy for Premier Members]
To ensure we spend our time together in the most productive way possible, complete this “What Issues Should I Consider When Funding An Unexpected Expense?” checklist. Any question you answer YES or leave blank will help us focus our time together. You can add notes to provide additional commentary on any question. This link will be live for 30 days.

When we [meet/zoom/meet virtually] on [Day Of The Week, Month, Date], we can make the best use of our time, and you can move forward with confidence.


Life Insurance

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Purchasing A Life Insurance Policy?

Email Subject Line: Even the smallest change can affect your need for life insurance

Email Body:

Dear [CLIENT],

I’ve been keeping close tabs on the planning issues you and I should tackle next. Let’s set a time to discuss your life insurance coverage in depth. Even small tweaks to your personal and professional life can cause you to adjust your coverage.

At our next meeting, let’s review what you currently have in place with regard to your current circumstance. To help you prepare for the conversation, I’ve attached the [link the File URL of your white-labeled versionWhat Issues Should I Consider When Purchasing A Life Insurance Policy?” checklist]. Together, we’ll be able to get to the heart of your needs and make the most of our time.

I look forward to [meeting/zooming/speaking] with you on [day of the week, Month, day, year]. Please contact me if you have any questions or need to reschedule.



Premier Members: https://www.fppathfinder.com/done-for-you-email-templates-introduce-interactive-checklists-via-share-link-to-clients-prospects/

Inflation Checklist + Master List of Goals

Guide Suggestions: What Issues Should I Consider When Dealing With High Inflation + Master List Of Goals

Email Subject Line: Inflation is rising. Let’s confirm your goals are aligned with your planning.

Email Body:
Dear [Client]:

Together, based on your goals, we’ve implemented a long-term financial planning strategy that accounts for periods of market volatility and inflation. If you have changed your goals even modestly, however, your plan could be affected.

Sometimes it can be helpful to work with tools that can help you put inflation in perspective with your personal situation and frame your priorities as they relate to:

  • Retirement and lifestyle goals.
  • Tax planning.
  • Assets and debts.
  • Cash flow.
  • Estate planning.
  • Insurance planning.

To give you peace of mind and to shore up any gaps that may exist, please review the [LINK file URL for Checklist: What Issues Should I Consider When Dealing With High Inflation] and [LINK file URL: Master List Of Goals]. Whether you answer “YES” to one question or several questions (on either or both checklists), let’s talk.

Contact me to schedule a time for us to have a conversation. There’s no better time than right now to make sure your financial plan is aligned with what you want to achieve in the context of the current environment.


RMD Management

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My RMD? 

Deliverable Suggestion: Personalized Deliverable RMD Report 

Email Subject Line: Let’s Review Your RMD Planning Opportunities

Dear [Client],

There’s no time like the present to review your RMDs. When we take the time to review your planning opportunities now, you’ll have more options than you will if you wait until the year’s end.  

In our review, we’ll:

  • Consider whether your RMD is more than you need for your living expenses.
  • Review the other retirement accounts you may have that are subject to RMDs and whether those RMDs need to be satisfied. 
  • Verify your tax withholding to ensure it’s still accurate. 

Whatever the case, it is important to review what you are doing with your RMD periodically. We can help guide you through this exercise, which may often feel like an inconvenience. When we work through how you’re taking your RMD, you’ll have a better understanding of your options and how they relate to the plan we’ve put in place. 

To facilitate a productive discussion, I’ve included [a or two] tool(s) that will facilitate our work:

  1. A short, one-page checklist that outlines nine considerations that are fundamental to your RMD strategy [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].
  2. Your personalized RMD report includes specific information about your RMD, which can help you answer some of the questions in the checklist. [Advisor: Use this whenever you have the client’s RMD information. If you don’t have the RMD information, the RMD report is an effective follow-up to your meeting.]

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Employer-Provided Benefits

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider With My Employer-Provided Benefits? 

Email Subject Line: Benefit election time is coming! Let’s prep so you can confidently make decisions.  

Dear [Client],

During July and August, we want to set you up for a successful benefit election period. Your employer-provided benefits are an important part of your financial plan, and we can maximize their effectiveness. 

Perhaps you…

  • Want to make sure your employer-provided retirement plan is optimized for your risk tolerance, goals, and diversification needs;
  • Are curious about the effects of adding your spouse or dependents to your employer-sponsored medical insurance;
  • Need to review your employer-sponsored disability insurance to ensure you’ve funded your emergency reserves to cover your elimination period. 

Whatever the case, it is important to understand the scope of your benefits and how they can (and should) coordinate with your long-term financial plan. Certainly, we can offer you the insight that empowers you to make confident decisions. 

To facilitate a productive discussion, we have a checklist that outlines 17 considerations that are fundamental to an employer-provided benefits review [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss your employer-provided benefits further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Capital Loss Planning

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Harvesting Capital Losses? 

Email Subject Line: Is Tax-Loss Harvesting A Good Strategy for YOUR situation?

Dear [Client],

Selling some investments that have unrealized tax loss has the potential to offset the tax liability that is triggered when other investments are sold at a gain. This strategy is called tax-loss harvesting, and it’s one we consider for our clients. Now is a great time for us – as a team – to take this strategy under advisement. 

What may seem like a straightforward strategy, however, can be filled with subtle complexities that we should explore.

There are a lot of issues to consider. A few include whether you: 

  • Anticipate a tax rate change;
  • Have realized gains or losses, or even losses that you’re carrying over from previous years, which may affect your tax-loss harvesting strategy;
  • Plan to reinvest your tax savings for future growth.  

The decision to pursue a tax-loss harvesting strategy can be highly individualized. In addition to general issues, there are tax considerations, long-term issues, and implementation concerns that should factor into your well-thought-out decision. You can count on us to walk you through the important points so you are confident you’ve taken the actions that will support your long-term financial plan. 

To facilitate a productive discussion, we have a checklist that outlines 16 considerations that are fundamental to evaluating whether or not to harvest capital losses. [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss a tax-loss harvesting strategy further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Beneficiary Review

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Beneficiaries? 

Deliverable Suggestion: Personalized Deliverable Account Beneficiary Designation Report 

Email Subject Line: Let’s Review Your Beneficiary Designations

Dear [Client],

There’s no time like the present to review your beneficiary designations. When we take the time to ensure your beneficiaries align with the instructions of your will or trust, you’ll rest assured that your intentions are realized.  

In our review, we’ll:

  • Verify your beneficiaries are up to date to reflect your estate wishes accurately and to consider factors that may affect your heirs’ outcomes. 
  • Discuss whether your account will transfer the way you intend if your named beneficiaries differ from what your will or trust dictates. 
  • Address whether you’re concerned about an estate tax liability and review your existing beneficiaries to determine whether you can mitigate any potential estate tax issues. 

Whatever the case, it is important to review your beneficiary designations periodically. We can help you have a clearer picture of who your beneficiaries are and whether your beneficiary designations align with your estate planning goals. 

To facilitate a productive discussion, I’ve included [a or two] tool(s) that will facilitate our work:

  1. A short, one-page checklist that outlines eight considerations that are fundamental to what you should consider when reviewing your beneficiary designations. [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].
  2. Your personalized Account Beneficiary Designation report includes specific information about your beneficiaries, which can help you answer some of the questions in the checklist. [Deluxe and Premier members: Use this whenever you have the client’s Beneficiary information. If you don’t have the Beneficiary information, the report serves as an effective follow-up to your meeting.]

While the checklist can help you spot good ways to identify all the different opportunities to consider, we are always available to meet with you to discuss your finances and goals and to identify what the best opportunities are for you.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


The SECURE Act 2.0

Subject: The SECURE Act 2.0 Has Taken Effect.
Slug: Let’s make sure we’re covering the important points

Guide Suggestion: What Important Issues Should I Consider Regarding Changes Made By The SECURE Act 2.0?

Dear <Client Name>:

Without a doubt, you’re hearing about the SECURE Act 2.0. It seems like every day there’s a new headline in the news, which only serves to create a lot of questions. Let’s face it, headlines – and even the stories that follow – can leave you wondering how the new legislation applies to you.

And that’s OK. I’m here to guide you through the changes so we can make adjustments as necessary and keep your long-term financial plan on track.

To help give you insight to some of the most significant changes, we have a summary checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] that groups the changes by the year they take effect. When we review this checklist together, we can prioritize the work we need to do so you can move forward with confidence.

Take a look at the checklist and consider the questions. If you answer YES to any of the questions, there’s a possible planning opportunity for us to discuss.

Please contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].



Where Should My Next Dollar Go?

Subject: [Client Name], Are you leaving money on the table?

Guide Suggestion: Where Should My Next Dollar Go?

Dear <Client Name>:

I wanted to chat with you about something that many of our clients often stress about – figuring out where to allocate their hard-earned dollars. We’ve seen how easy it is to inefficiently use cash by overspending, or even leaving too much money just sitting in the bank.

To make our conversation more meaningful and help you tackle this challenge, I’ve put together this flowchart [link the File URL of your white-labeled version]. This flowchart covers some important factors to consider when deciding where your next dollar should go. Here are some questions we commonly address for other clients:

Financial Security: Let’s assess your overall financial well-being, including stuff like your emergency fund, financial solvency, and whether you have adequate insurance coverage.
Employer Benefits: We’ll explore any “free money” opportunities available through your employer’s benefits. Let’s make sure you’re taking full advantage of these perks to boost your financial situation.

After looking over the flowchart, how about a call or meeting to chat through any questions you may have? No matter what, I’m here to help!

Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

Annual Client Review Email Template

Subject: [Client Name], It’s Time For Your Annual Review. Let’s See What’s Changed

Guide Suggestion: Issues To Consider In Client Annual Review Meeting

Dear <Client Name>:

It’s that time of year again when we get together to review your financial plan to make sure we’re staying on top of your goals. 

We covered a lot of ground last year, and I want to maintain that momentum. To make our conversation more meaningful I’ve put together a checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] of different questions we can explore in the coming year. For example,

  • Have there been any changes to your cash flow? 
  • Do you expect any big expenses in the next year?
  • Do you think your investment tolerance has changed? 

No matter what, an annual review meeting is a great chance to address any concerns. After looking over the checklist, let’s book a call or meeting to chat through any questions you may have. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Issues Should I Consider When Selling My Home?

Subject: [Client Name], Let’s Make Sure The Sale of Your Home is a Success

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Selling My Home?

Dear <Client Name>:

I know how nerve-wracking selling your home can be. It’s both a financially and emotionally complex process, but we’re here to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. We’ve put together a checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] of any issues we should review along the way. Some items to consider include:

  • Preparing yourself for the sale of your home, and having a plan on what to do with the proceeds afterwards.
  • Figuring out your initial cost basis, and understanding whether any adjustments to your cost basis need to be made.
  • Understanding how the sale of your home may affect other tax planning goals.

After reviewing the checklist, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Issues Should I Consider When Using A Reverse Mortgage?

Subject: [Client Name], Maybe It’s Time We Look Into A Reverse Mortgage?

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Using A Reverse Mortgage?

Dear <Client Name>,

A reverse mortgage is an often overlooked financial strategy, but maybe it’s the right one for you. After all, reverse mortgages have come a long way in recent years, and their potential benefits are becoming harder to ignore. 

Still, there are pros and cons to weigh when deciding if this is the right move for you. That’s why I’ve put together this checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] to help navigate any issues we should consider.

It covers topics such as:

  • Determining whether you and/or your spouse are eligible for a reverse mortgage, and the implications for non-borrowing spouses.
  • Considering the different ways a reverse mortgage can be used, and how certain strategies can be implemented to complement one’s financial planning goals.
  • Understanding the risks inherent with using a reverse mortgage, and knowing under what circumstances using one may not be advisable.

After reviewing the checklist, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Issues Should I Consider When Establishing & Maintaining My Emergency Fund?

Subject: [Client Name], Let’s Talk About The Basics – Your Emergency Fund

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When Establishing & Maintaining My Emergency Fund?

Dear <Client Name>,

I know most people agree that having a well-established emergency fund is the cornerstone of any good financial plan. But I don’t think we’ve really spent enough time considering what an appropriate fund looks like for YOU. There’s a lot more to an emergency fund than just 3–6 months of expenses. How does one properly define “expenses” anyway?

So let’s talk about it. I’ve put together a checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] of some ideas to consider when creating and maintaining an emergency fund.

After reviewing the checklist, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

Can I Do A 529-To-Roth IRA Transfer?

Subject: [Client Name], Thinking About A 529-To-Roth IRA Transfer? Let’s Talk.
Guide Suggestion: Can I Make A 529-To-Roth IRA Transfer?

Dear <Client Name>,

You might have heard some buzz about the SECURE Act 2.0 and the ability to transfer 529 funds to a Roth IRA. I’m sure you’ve been wondering if you can take advantage of this new rule, too. To help clear up some of the questions you may have, I’ve put together this flowchart [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] for you. It covers important issues such as:

  • How long your 529 account has been open and funded?
  • How earned income, previous Roth IRA contributions, and total 529-to-Roth IRA transfer limits can impact your ability to make a transfer.
  • Whether a 529-to-Roth IRA transfer is the best fit for your situation.

After reviewing the flowchart, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Documents Do I Need To Collect For Filing My Tax Return?

Subject: [Client Name], It’s Time To File Your Tax Return. Let’s Get Organized

Guide Suggestion: What Documents Do I Need To Collect For Filing My Tax Return?

Dear <Client Name>,

Tax season is right around the corner and I know how tricky it can be to manage such a daunting task on top of your other responsibilities. To help speed things along, I’ve put together this checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] to help you organize the documents you need to file your return. Feel free to use it as needed or provide it to your accountant so we can all work together to make sure this tax season goes off smoothly.

After reviewing the checklist, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

Common Annuity Products

Guide Suggestion: Common Annuity Products

Email Subject: Is an annuity right for your financial plan?

Dear <Client Name>:

Annuities can be complicated, but the truth of the matter is that annuities are tools that can serve a valuable purpose when applied purposefully.

To have a holistic discussion, I believe it’s important to begin with education. The Common Annuity Products summary guide [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] offers you an unbiased overview of annuities and covers:

  • The kinds of annuities available.
  • How specific annuities work and for whom they may be most suitable.
  • The risks that each kind of annuity carries and can help mitigate.
  • The features and possible fees associated with each kind of annuity.
  • How annuities may affect your tax and estate planning situation.

I encourage you to spend a little time with this summary guide, and then let’s talk about [choose one: the annuity in your portfolio / whether adding an annuity to your portfolio makes sense]. When you’re ready, contact me to schedule a time to meet or [Insert Calendar Link and Title).]


TCJA Sunset Provision Comparison Guide

Guide Suggestion: TCJA Sunset Provision Comparison Guide

Email Subject: [Client Name], Let’s Discuss Changes To Your Tax Planning Needs

Dear<Client Name>,

I’m sure you’ve enjoyed the lower tax brackets introduced by the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017. However, many people aren’t aware that the rules of the TCJA will potentially sunset at the end of 2025.

What does that mean for you? I’ve put together a comparison guide [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] to highlight the changes you might experience.

After reviewing the comparison, let’s book a call or meeting to work through any questions you may have. Now might be a good time to plan for any changes you might experience.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Documents Do I Need To Keep On File?

Guide Suggestion: What Documents Do I Need To Keep On File?

Email Subject: [Client Name], It’s Spring Cleaning Time!

Dear <Client Name>,

It’s that time of year – let’s shred some documents!

I know it can be confusing trying to figure out which documents are worth keeping, so we’ve put together this checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] to help.

It covers several documents that you need to consider keeping in case you encounter any number of issues, including:

  • Various tax documents, including past tax returns as well as documents related to specific transactions, such as annual gifts made to children, relatives, or others.
  • Healthcare records, including those relating to Medicare eligibility, substantiating medical deductions on prior tax returns, and confirming any contributions to, and distributions from, a health savings account (HSA).

And more…

After reviewing the comparison, let’s book a call or meeting to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a time to discuss this further, or schedule a meeting directly. [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Issues Should I Consider When I Create My Estate Plan?

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider When I Create My Estate Plan?

Email Subject: [Client Name], We have an easy way to create an estate plan

Dear <Client Name>,

We’ve made a lot of progress on your financial plan this year. Another important element of a successful financial plan is your estate plan. Typically, this can be a cumbersome and expensive process, but I can help assist you in several ways to make this easier for you.

In just a few conversations, we can help

  • You understand the different estate planning documents you need and the key decisions you have to make.
  • Consider how your assets can avoid going through the timely (and expensive) probate process.
  • Develop a plan to pass your assets to your heirs thoughtfully.

Whatever the case, it’s important to develop an estate plan. To help get you started thinking about your estate plan, we have included a checklist outlining many considerations fundamental to an estate plan [link the File URL of your white-labeled version].

Take a look at the checklist. Does anything jump out at you? Creating an estate plan can be overwhelming. There are so many issues to consider that impact not just your financial well-being, but also your family’s emotional well-being, so it’s important to be thorough.

Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or [Insert Calendar Link and Title].


[Your Email Signature]

What Issues Should I Consider With The Income From My Taxable Non-Qualified Account(s)?

Guide Suggestion: What Issues Should I Consider With The Income From My Taxable Non-Qualified Account(s)?

Email Subject: [Client Name], Taxable Non-Qualified Income Can Be Confusing

Dear <Client Name>,

Non-qualified portfolio income can be a wild card when it comes to taxes. Interest, dividends, and capital gains all have an effect on your AGI/MAGI, so it’s important to properly factor this in when addressing your tax planning needs.

I’ve put together this checklist [link the File URL of your white-labeled version] to help you review all the critical factors we need to be aware of when reviewing your non-qualified portfolio income.

Take a look at the checklist. Does anything jump out at you? Tax planning can be overwhelming, but we can help with that.

Call us today to schedule a time to discuss this further, or schedule some time here [Insert Calendar Link and Title], so we can discuss any questions you may have.


[Your Email Signature]