It’s a common question your clients are asking: Should I lease or buy my next automobile? The decision to lease or buy can have a day-to-day and long-term effect on cash flow and emotions. Beyond make, model, and body type, the evolution of automobile technology is changing the motives and philosophy of car ownership.
To help you guide your clients’ decision-making, introduce the “Should I Lease Or Buy My Next Automobile?” flowchart. You’ll find this guide helpful whether your clients have an immediate, unplanned need or are making emotional decisions.
Decision Points To Consider
The decision to lease or buy can be a struggle. While there are advantages to both options, the analysis isn’t strictly financial. Your clients may be weighing competing factors that bear various degrees of importance. Use this flowchart to cover important decision points, including:
- Costs and cash flow
- Mileage and use
- Safety and technology
- Depreciation
- Flexibility
Your Clients Will Thank You
Your advice will empower your clients to make the best choice for their situations. You can provide a thoughtful, reasoned approach to help your clients feel confident about these decisions using the flowchart. Additionally, you can help your clients prioritize their preferences and compare their options. Finally, this kind of advice will help ward off buyer’s (or lessee’s) remorse because they have articulated the basis of their decision.
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